Bruce Springsteen, Born in The U.S.A. – 40th Anniversary

June of 1984. The halfway mark of a year where radio audiences and music consumers were gifted with a Mt. Everest of of memorable music. Bruce Springsteen released “Born in The U.S.A.”. Four decades later every track of this album, the singles and the deep-cuts, remain radio favourites. While arguably not the best of The […]

Dann After Dark. April 27, 2024.

What are your favorite emojis? My views on emojis were reflected in 2018’s The Great Emoji Debate. ….I’ve caved and now use them more than I care to admit. Although I still feel that they devaluate language and words. The best one? The beloved metal horns / malocchio. 🤘

Hawkwind – Stories from Time and Space

Dave Brock and company have returned again with Stories From Time and Space. It is an atmospheric soundscape bringing ingredients of classic Hawkwind space-rock, along with jazz, industrial metal “What Are We Going To Do While We’re here” and even a kind of minimalism with classical tinges. A few times while listening to this album, […]

About the Eclipse…

Made the mistake of reading a news article about todays eclipse. Hog farmer talking about his concern for how his animals will do during the eclipse…. So…… doesn’t matter that they’re actually going to be slaughtered… But when it comes to how they manage during an eclipse he’s concerned about their well-being… Revolting.